New Fave Meal

2 Feb

Last night I thought I would take advantage of some of the already prepped veggies that I had in my fridge and make a stir fry.  I started poking around online looking for a Dukan friendly sauce, etc, and came across a recipe for Cauliflower fried rice.  Yummmm. Fuck! I didn’t have any cauliflower!

Or did I?…

I remembered I had a bag of broccoli and cauliflower in my fridge and decided to pick out the cauliflower and use that for the “rice” and add the broccoli into my stir fry.  Brilliant, right?  Alright, maybe not brilliant, but at least I was being resourceful.

Cauliflower fried rice goes like this.  You take some cauliflower.  You put it in the food processor.  You process it up until it’s roughly rice sized.  Mine was a bit smaller, but that’s ok.  Then you spray a little Pam in a skillet and heat it up.  You toss in some scallions and some fresh garlic.  Let that cook for a minute.  Then you throw in the cauliflower.  Cook it until it’s getting a slight golden color, then throw in some soy sauce (I instinctively know exactly how much to use from years of watching the chefs at the hibachi grill).  Then you push the cauliflower to the side, and scramble an egg into the pan.  Then toss the cauliflower back in and mix with the egg.  Done.  Keep it on warm.

In another skillet, I put cut up raw chicken breast, and let cook until it was almost done.  Then I added the veggies (in this case- squash, asparagus, red onion, & broccoli).  I meant to add spinach at the end but forgot.  I had pre-cooked the veggies just a little bit in a zip n steam bag in the microwave.  This cuts down on cooking time and also prevents you from overcooking your chicken.  The stir fry sauce I made was soy sauce, fresh garlic, and ginger with a few red pepper flakes.  I probably was a little heavy on the ginger and next time would add a pinch of splenda to sweeten it up just a tiny bit, but it was great.

By far, my fave Dukan meal to date, and one that I would recommend to ANYONE not just those watching their carb intake.

See?  Good, right?

One Response to “New Fave Meal”


  1. Burgers and Veggies-Dukan accepted « what's for dinner - March 20, 2012

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