Exercise…cheaper than therapy

31 Jan

I am struggling to get my daily exercise.  Hell, I’m struggling to get my weekly exercise.  I can’t help it (I can, I am just too lazy), winter always seems to suck the energy right out of me. However, I’m putting all this effort into the Dukan Diet and none into being physical.  Dukan requires you walk 20 mins per day, which is fine.  Very easy.  I do that.  But now I need a plan.

I love to run.  I also love P90X.  I did it a couple of summers ago and got pretty ripped.  I don’t love the time commitment, it took 2 hours per day to do it and that’s 6 days a week.  I need something that is more sustainable.  I am thinking of getting the Tony Horton 10 minute trainer videos, since you can stack those and do multiples or if you are feeling like a slug you can at least do one and not be a complete slacker. Has anyone tried them?  Once the weather improves, I’ll get back to running some too, so I could add in the 10 min workouts as needed for strength training.

I definitely feel like I need to wait until I am close to or at my goal weight to do any significant workout, since once I start, my caloric and nutritional needs will change and I want to see and feel physical changes and not be worried about the scale.  Meanwhile, I need to workout if I want to drink wine, and I do.  I want to drink wine.  A LOT.

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